The Emerging Kingdom Economy
For a little over a year I have been having conversations with other Christian businesspeople about a new emerging Kingdom Economy. Many of us have stumbled across each other, and formed close relationships because we have received similar God-given dreams, messages, missions, etc. We have all separately been experiencing the phenomenon of a new God-driven economic system forming. We feel that God has been bringing together those, with this similar call on their lives. The uniting theme we all see is that God is moving to
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“We are beginning to see a kingdom economy emerge which is so distinct and separate from the world’s that when the order is given that no one can buy, sell, or trade except they take the mark of the beast (see Revelation 13:17), then Christians will not even care if they can buy, sell, or trade with the world—they will have their own economy. That may sound grandiose or complicated, but it will be grand and a demonstration of how things are done differently in the kingdom of God, it will not be complicated, but to the contrary, it will be very simple.
The kingdom economy will become a practical system of interchange built on kingdom principles and is a part of the highway of Isaiah 40 that must be built to prepare the way for the Lord. As we have been addressing the last few weeks, this economy is founded on love, which is at the root of all kingdom economic interchange. The most basic principles of this economy is I Corinthians 13”.
Visit the MorningStar Ministries site and read through these wonderful prophetic words. It is a truly exciting movement of God that we are starting to discern in the business world.
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